Shireen Idroos

Marcos Salazar

Quddus Phillippe

Build a Company People Love

CI Corporate Innovation Bootcamp

Cultivate a compassionate culture that builds loyalty through authentic, meaningful contributions to the stakeholder community.

You will learn to:

  • create a container of safety for stakeholders to share vulnerably
  • cultivate compassion to influence the authenticity of your offers
  • identify an opportunity to serve unmet stakeholder needs
  • align stakeholder needs with a Sustainable Development Goal
  • build alignment alongside stakeholders as you co-create
  • rapidly prototype, iterate, and validate your new offer
  • integrate your new impact project into your organization

At the end of the program, you will standardize an operating model to leverage compassionate innovation within a company to make meaningful, authentic contributions to your stakeholders, and be empowered to support others to identify innovation opportunities, build solutions, and do the work that makes things better.

  • Cost:
    • Early Bird: $299
    • Standard: $399
    • Social Enterprise/Non-Profit/Government/Education: $99
  • Duration: Expect to invest one full-day of work with approx 4 hours of instruction
  • When: September 2020

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Emerging Leaders Program Fall 2020

CI Emerging Leaders Socent

This September, the Cooperative Impact Emerging Leaders virtual program supports lifelong learners to build projects that serve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Apply Now for the Fall 2020 cohort.


Differentiate yourself by creating a case study of your venture that makes an impact. Immerse yourself in an underserved population to gain a deeper understanding of their needs in order to instruct the design and implementation of a program or solution that you deliver to the population, and perhaps scale to larger communities through a strategic partnership that you develop.

Core competencies:

  • Creativity
  • Empathy
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Relationship Building
  • Active Listening
  • Resilience
  • Adaptability
  • Service Design
  • Remote Learning
  • Innovation
  • Community Service
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Team Building
  • Working Virtually
  • Collaboration
  • Compassionate Leadership


This program is planned as virtual and will consist of a cohort of participants working in collaboration within the larger Cooperative Impact network. The time commitment is approximately 100-200 hours over the course of the fall beginning September 1st and ending December 1st.

This 60-day journey begins Monday, August 24th and is for compassionate innovators to learn and apply new skills by exploring their stakeholder community to uncover shared needs instructing the design of a new venture (program, event, video, product, service) to launch, test, and validate.

The program experience contains a series of workshops, microlessons, activities, and resources for participants to learn new skills and apply them in real-work scenarios. There will be regularly scheduled peer support gatherings, check-ins with Cooperative Impact leadership, and the opportunity to connect with our mentor community. We provide journal prompts that encourage learners to document their process, lessons learned, and any insights they discover about themselves and their work.

Throughout the program, Cooperative Impact will offer verified certifications for specific skills and competencies for a fee.

Apply Now for the Fall 2020 cohort.

Who is it for?

This program is for lifelong learners pursuing work in management consulting, social services, social justice, criminal justice, community and economic development, organizational management, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, venture philanthropy, and public policy.

Apply Now for the Fall 2020 cohort.


Below are the core elements of the experience and the capabilities a learner may expect to obtain from successfully completing the program. The content and structure listed below is subject change. The syllabus for the fall 2020 program will be published as we near the start of the program.

0. Who are you?

To lead others, start by leading yourself. Build a deeper relationship with yourself. Know who you are, know what lights you up, know where you’d like to go, who you want to be, and know how to bring yourself there.

I. What problem would you like to solve?

Review the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to select a general problem(s) that gives you direction towards a population to serve ie: Goal #2: Zero Hunger.

  • You will learn to: align your passion with the type of work you’d like to do, have conversations with peers on the pros and cons of collaboration, and discover potential interest in building a team that works together to solve the same problem

II. Who faces the problem?

Find access to the people you would like to serve (ie community groups, online communities, churches, nonprofits, schools, personal connections, research, attend events / locations where the population can be found, build meaningful relationships with each person, and document your notes from each encounter).

  • You will learn to: develop relationships through empathetic, compassionate conversations; create a container for an individual to feel safe being vulnerable; manage relationships through the documentation of one-on-one interactions for on-going analysis, theme detection, and insight discovery

Conduct 10-20 one-on-one interviews from the population you aim to serve.

  • You will learn to: plan and conduct in-depth / impromptu stakeholder interviews, craft questions, and compile data to identify common threads in unmet needs

Research the ecosystem of services and support currently available for the specific population suffering from the specific problem

  • You will learn to: perform competitive research, map an ecosystem of services and support that currently wrap-around a specific underserved population, and identify gaps in support as opportunities for you to enter with your solution

Based on what you learn, refine the problem you want to solve into something more specific and framed as a “how might we…” question ie: how might we empower single, minority, low-income mother’s to cook healthy on food stamps?

  • You will learn to: frame the problem in a way that empowers you to design a meaningful solution alongside stakeholders

III. What solution will you co-create to serve the population?

Prototype a new service solution closely with stakeholders, and be prepared to continuously improve based on feedback, results, and research.

  • You will learn to: collaboratively design a product or service as a solution that brings relief to a specific unmet need, assess the impact of your solution, actively collect feedback from stakeholders, and use your own observations to measure effectiveness in order to continuously improve the solution

IV. How will you make your service accessible to more people?

Turn your solution into a digital service, online course, niche website, video series, blog post, tool kit, or various other options in order to amplify your impact.

  • You will learn to: standardize your service into an easy to share product that is capable of reaching more people, and identify potential partnerships with relevant organizations who can help you reach the population you aim to serve

Next Steps

  • Start Date: January 15th
  • Candidates Accepted: January 10th
  • Applications Due: August January 7th
  • Length: 8 weeks
  • Age: You must be at least 18 years old to apply

Apply Now for the cohort.

Questions? Please ask your question in the comment section below.

Internship SDG Redirect

Launch a Venture That Makes an Impact

CI Emerging Leaders Socent

This September, our virtual Emerging Leaders Program supports lifelong learners to create projects that serve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

You will learn to:

  • build a venture to serve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • work with underserved populations to identify an unmet need
  • create a new program or service to serve an unmet need
  • cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion for yourself and stakeholders
  • create, manage, and run meaningful virtual workshops
  • collaborate on a diverse team around the world

At the end of the program, you will pitch your project to funders and strategic partners who may integrate your work into their organization and hire you.

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CI hero mastermind

This is a supportive space for heart-centered leaders like you to have future-facing conversations coming from a place of possibility. Check-in with people from this community, connect with one another, give and get feedback, and work together to maximize your impact. Surround yourself with inspiring people who want to see you and your projects grow in our weekly mastermind.

Attend the Next Mastermind

We post details on upcoming Masterminds to our Facebook Page.

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Company on Purpose

CI Company on Purpose

People face dire economic challenges which means companies have an important role to fill in their communities. New operating models designed to care for teams, customers, and communities that authentically contribute in a meaningful way will impact short-term needs and long-term loyalty.

Building a Company On Purpose

What does it mean to be a company on purpose? It means the fundamental principles driving the existence of the organization is rooted in the desire to serve a human need. It also means the people inside the organization have personal desires to serve the same human need.

Imagine a workplace where we focus on developing a sense of self, having autonomy, and aligning with one another to actualize our purpose in the work we do in the world.

A place where people are intrinsically motivated to give their blood, sweat, and tears because they have ownership and feel one with the company. A place where people connect deeply with their peers, where trust is developed and strengthened overtime, and people show up excited to be apart of an extraordinary movement.

I see a workplace where people intentionally cultivate superpowers like compassion, vulnerability, imagination, and empathy to elevate the collective consciousness, instigate cultural evolution, and move the world forward.

Superpowers like vulnerability and empathy are gifts a person receives from experiencing a moment of transformation. Humans thrive when they cultivate superpowers. These gifts continue to increase in demand as they are not available transactionally, and this makes them competitive advantages.

How might we design an experience for people to cultivate superpowers, actualize their best self, and surround themselves with inspiring people who want to see them grow?


Culture Design
Self: Who am I? What is my purpose?
Team: Who else out there is inline with my purpose, or, perhaps compliments, my individual purpose?
Organization: How might we build the capabilities to work together for the long-haul?
Problems (Opportunities): What unsolvable problems (climate? equity?) are we deeply passionate about solving first?
Customers: Who experiences the impact of this unsolvable problem? How might we nurture those individuals through the process of becoming self-aware of their individual behavior which may have a significant role in the perpetuation of the problem’s existence?
Solutions: How might we collaborate, imagine, and, hopefully, co-create the solutions to this problem

Leadership Paradigm

It appears that organizational transformation starts with the leader adopting new operating principles for herself, and, in doing so, models the ideal behavior she hopes to cultivate in the culture.

Old Paradigm

  • Transaction-Driven
  • Ready to Answer
  • Ego
  • Blames Teams
  • Controls Information
  • Avoidance
  • Blinded by Superpower

New Paradigm

  • Conversation-Centered
  • Asks Questions
  • Humility, Accountable
  • Transparent
  • Acknowledgement
  • Emotional
  • Extreme ownership
  • Starts with trust
  • Vulnerable, Empathetic
  • Aware of Kryptonite


CI Collaboratory hero

The Cooperative Impact Collaboratory is an experimental space for discovering new methods that push the limits of life and work. Our intention is to imagine the world we want to live, and, through our collective effort, design new systems, run experiments for our ideas, and continuously improve. We invite you to share knowledge, experience, relevant projects, and requests for support. We look forward to shaping the compassionate future of work with you.

Visit the Cooperative Impact Collaboratory when you’re ready, and we’ll see you there.