
If you would like to be a speaker for the conference in September, please let us know.

Cooperative Impact is a social innovation conference with an incredibly powerful lineup of speakers.

Each speaker has a unique story to tell. The speakers will only discuss the truths in which they have lived, and the experiences in which they have seen through their own eyes.

Even more spectacular is how the conference follows the arc of the social impact process. Each speaker will tell their story from within a particular phase of the social impact process:

  1. accessing our full potential
  2. getting involved in the community
  3. creating value to meet the needs of our fellow Americans
  4. attaching revenue to our projects to create sustainable business models

The speakers will teach lessons they learned along the way, and provide finite instructions on how you can gracefully move through each transition.

The conference starts with speakers who discuss the transition so many of us are dealing with. Searching for meaning in life, and making a difference with the time we have on this planet. Then, you will hear from speakers who have moved beyond the transition, and have now immersed themselves in the community in order to find where they are most needed. Whether that be communicating climate change, cultivating a sustainable business community, or starting a new Meetup to spur innovation. Next, we have speakers who will discuss their story through transition, community involvement, and then creating something of value to serve an unmet need in their community. Finally, we have an exquisite set of expert social entrepreneurs, advisors, and impact investors who will discuss how they not only created value in the community, but also learned how to attach profit models to those projects in order to increase capacity, generate revenue, and have a deeper impact on the world.

Our kaleidoscope of speakers will present you with something that is impossible to find anywhere else. The exciting part will be when we host the next conference in a few months, and you get to see which phase of the social impact process our speakers have evolved to, or possibly going back through the entire process to strengthen their impact. Who knows, maybe you will be speaking at the next conference as well.