This conference is valuable for community members, educators, nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and government offices.

Why is this conference valuable to nonprofits?

Nonprofits maximize their impact by learning to build a sustainable business model and threading multiple funding streams into their organization. Nonprofits learn innovative strategies for generating revenue through new legal entities and cross-sector stakeholder collaboration strategies.

Why is this conference valuable to government offices?

Government offices learn to partner with enthusiastic members of the community, local business owners, and impact investors interested in creating value aligned with public sector goals. Increase the quality of social services, and strengthen your impact on the community even within considerable budget constraints.

Why is this conference valuable to social entrepreneurs?

Social entrepreneurs unlock value to serve unmet needs in their community. They attach a revenue model to the value in order turn the project into a self-sustaining business. Identify profitable business models to integrate within your community, prepare for funding, and build meaningful relationships with impact investors.

Why is this conference valuable to impact investors?

Cooperative Impact is where impact investors and venture philanthropists source startups that solve social problems. Mitigate risk and maximize your impact by engaging with emerging grassroots innovators currently growing impact projects in their communities right now.

What topics are covered in this conference?

The conference follows the arc of the social enterprise process which has four stages:

  1. Humanity: unlock human potential
  2. Community: identify unmet needs in the community
  3. Incubation: create value to meet those unmet needs
  4. Impact: leverage sustainable business model to grow and maximize impact

Why is this conference valuable to community members?

Community members searching for purpose, meaning, and are interested in learning how to unlock their potential will learn specific strategies and tactics for achieving such goals.

Participants walkaway from the conference feeling connected, inspired, motivated and empowered with tangible next steps and authentic relationships for upcoming collaborations and partnerships.

This conference is our contribution to building a social enterprise ecosystem in the US and abroad.